Family and First Responder Portals
First responders can prioritize survivor needs. Family can know their loved ones are safe.
Overview: First Responder Portal
The first responder portal is a data visualization tool that allows aid workers, NGOs, and emergency personnel to prioritize disaster survivor needs. Data collected from mesh nodes within the Eaton Emergency Communication Network can be uploaded and viewed by any instance of this application.

First Responder Portal Features
Map to visualize user-submitted aid requests an prioritize regions. List view to sort data, and export to other data visualization applications.
According to interviews with members of FEMA, aid workers will often print maps of entire regsions for ground work, or export data to existing mapping tools

Region and Supply Filters
First responders can display requests by region, or display only certain types of requests to better coordinate aid management.

Direct Messaging
Users can send messages to nodes in a specific region, alerting survivors to supply dropoff points, timelines, or additional hazards in the area.

First Responder Research
The design of the first responder portal reflects insights from interviews with members of FEMA, the Red Cross, and the World Bank about how data is prioritized and who is helped first. We later validated the design with our contacts.
“[We have] people physically walking around collecting data. We will never have enough people.”
Conor McDonough, FEMA

First Responder Design
This is a snapshot of early, lo-fi designs of the first responder portal.

Overview: Family Portal
The family portal allows loved ones to receive and reply to messages from disaster survivors. Messages collected in the Eaton Emergency Communication Network will appear as links to a secure site in the recipients’ email or text inbox.

Family Portal Features
Disaster survivors can send a message to a loved one by SMS or email. Recipients will see this as an email or text from an official source.

Reply to Messages
Loved ones can responde to any received mesages via the same secure portal. Responses will be uploaded to drones and distributed to the same mesh nodes that survivors can access.

Direct Messaging
Friends and family can receive messages by either SMS or email, so they can choose to have all messages forwarded to the same portal regardless of source.
Users can manually add all relevant emails and phone numbers to the same secure portal to receive all messages in the same place.

Family Portal Design
This is a snapshot of early, lo-fi designs of the family portal.